Approach to Equity 3:

Expanding What Counts as Science

Goals: We need to recognize the brilliance of all the children in our classrooms, hearing and seeing the science in what they say and do, from a range of backgrounds and identities. We need to value multiple ways of sensemaking in science

Historical Background

Many groups have been excluded from being able to engage in the professional work of science or have had their contributions stolen, misrepresented, or ignored within the space of dominant science. Science and engineering have also been used as tools to subjugate people of color. This is true historically—the Tuskegee syphilis study provides just one example—but also currently, when research shows that doctors may dismiss symptoms of patients of color, such as Black women in childbirth, and artificial intelligence facial recognition tools can reinforce biological essentialism, leading to racist conclusions about individuals and groups.

Furthermore, schools often have been and continue to be hostile and dangerous places for children who are queer, gender non-conforming, and/or trans*. Gender and sexuality are typically presented within cisheteronormative contexts in content and curriculum materials, limiting the range of what youth see and understand as part of the natural world.

Collectively these experiences and realities have led to mistrust of science, a disconnect between science and the communities of students of color or from other communities that have been marginalized, and the missed opportunity for benefiting from the diverse ways of knowing and being that students in communities that have been marginalized could bring to science professions.

Knowledge & Frames

Reminders about systemic issues


What could I try to do?

(Here are some examples of these moves.)

Advocacy & Critical Reflection

Questions to ask myself 


Tools, frameworks, and activities that can help me